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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Adaptiva OneSite - Hash Errors and Server GUIDS

Each OneSite Server you install generates its own unique GUID, clients then use this GUID to communicate with each other. This is especially necessary if you have multiple Adaptiva OneSite environments / Clients.
I had performed a side-by-side migration of SCCM 2012 to a new site, along with an Adaptiva OneSite migration, at times I had subnets with clients from both environments and as such as made extensive use of this GUID, particularly when imaging new machines.

The problem is that when you boot a device to Windows PE for imaging the full Adaptiva OneSite Client is not used as an ACP (Alternate Content Provider) to download content, rather the executable OneSiteDownloader.exe is used instead.

OneSiteDownloader.exe has no knowledge of any Server GUIDS, and when a migration has occurred this can cause issues. Since a migration has taken place PackageIDs will match in both the new and the old environments but the hash will not (see where im going with this?)

The Client in Windows PE will happily download the content with ID of ABC0012 via the ACP and pass back control to the SCCM Client at which point a hash check will occur and cause a failure, (unless of course you have made no modifications to the package between migrations, but lets assume you have)

The fix for this and to ensure that OneSiteDownloader.exe talks only to clients with the correct server GUID is rather simple, at the beginning of your task sequence (or on a collection of your choice) create a task sequence variable named:

Assign this variable the Server GUID from a client, which can be found in the following registry location:

HKLM\Software\[Wow6432Node]JavaSoft\Prefs\Adaptiva\Client| client_data_manager.server_guid

Voila! your clients will stop generating hash errors and image correctly :)


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